Hosta 'Diana Remembered'

Each large, oval, mid-green leaf is broadly edged with rich cream but pale to light cream as the open. The long leaf stems help the leaves to form a beautiful broad mound from which sturdy stems of large, fragrant, white bells emerge. 

Each large, oval, mid-green leaf is broadly edged with rich cream but pale to light cream as the open. The long leaf stems help the leaves to form a beautiful broad mound from which sturdy stems of large, fragrant, white bells emerge. 

  • Pot Size:
Availability: In stock
Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: White
Flowers: July and August
Height x Spread: 45cm x 75cm
Soil: Well-drained
Planting position: Part shade/Full Shade
Mounding plant
Hardy perennial that survives temperatures of -10 degrees and more. All hostas fair better in a shady or partially shady spot as they like moist soils. In pots they grow also grow better in the shade or partial shade. Slugs love hostas. I use beer traps to help eradicate them - they like real ale, not lager, but the best option is pick them off after it has rained, or in the evening when the dew is settling in. Use a pair of gloves to put them in a bucket, then dispose of them as you see fit.


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