Iris ensata

(Japanese iris)

These are what most gardener's consider as water irises, but they are not. This Japanese iris, prized in Japan for the lovely drooping soft purple flowers, were traditionally grown in ground that was flooded, but then drained. The upright, mid-green, slender leaves look great after the many stems of flowers have finished blooming.

These are what most gardener's consider as water irises, but they are not. This Japanese iris, prized in Japan for the lovely drooping soft purple flowers, were traditionally grown in ground that was flooded, but then drained. The upright, mid-green, slender leaves look great after the many stems of flowers have finished blooming.

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Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: Purple
Flowers: June: late season iris
Height x Spread: 0cm x 0cm
Soil: Well-drained to wet
Planting position: Sun
Upright plant
Hardy to -10 degrees and more, these irises like to be grown in moist but not wet soil. They are happy with the roots being in boggy water for a little time, but not continually. The foliage dies back in autumn and emerges again in spring. Cut back old leaves before new ones emerge.


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