Perovskia 'Little Spire'

(Russian sage)

A shorter form of the lovely Pervoskia 'Blue Spire'. The silver stems of deeply cut, sage scented, silver leaves are topped with spikes of little, rather woolly, soft blue flowers. Grows into a bushy plant. If you do not cut this back in autumn the silver stems provide attractive autumn colour and form. Grows 75cm high x 50cm wide.

A shorter form of the lovely Pervoskia 'Blue Spire'. The silver stems of deeply cut, sage scented, silver leaves are topped with spikes of little, rather woolly, soft blue flowers. Grows into a bushy plant. If you do not cut this back in autumn the silver stems provide attractive autumn colour and form. Grows 75cm high x 50cm wide.

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Availability: In stock
Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: Blue
Flowers: August and September
Height x Spread: 75cm x 50cm
Soil: Well-drained to dry
Planting position: Sun
Upright plant
Hardy to -10 degrees and a bit more. The leaves drop in autumn but if the silver stems are left over winter they add greatly to the winter garden. Cut back nearly to the ground in early spring to create a bushy plant, or just remove the tips for a taller plant.


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