Tiarella cordifolia

(Foam flower)

Hummocks of small, light green, vine-shaped leaves form a handsome backdrop to slender stems topped with conical spikes of small, fluffy, creamy white flowers. In autumn the leaves turn various shades of red. Allow it some head and it will weave its way around other woodlanders.

Hummocks of small, light green, vine-shaped leaves form a handsome backdrop to slender stems topped with conical spikes of small, fluffy, creamy white flowers. In autumn the leaves turn various shades of red. Allow it some head and it will weave its way around other woodlanders.

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Availability: In stock
Estimated delivery £7.95
Delivery: 7-10 days


Colour: White
Flowers: April and May
Height x Spread: 30cm x 30cm
Soil: Well-drained to wet
Planting position: Part shade/Full Shade
Mounding plant
Hardy to -10 degrees and more. Cut back any old foliage before new shoots start. Prefers a humus-rich soil that remains moist.


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