White Perennial Collection
Plants with white flowers are the easiest of all to place around the garden, or for that matter to grow in a border with no other colour. If there is a dark background in the garden, they will look even better. This collection of hardy perennials contains some of the most popular white flowers. It contains autumn, spring, and summer flowering plants that will bloom from May until the first frosts of autumn. When ordering, to save confusion, please take a note of the plants in this collection as by the time you receive them they may have changed. Featured plants run approximately from tallest (top left hand corner) to shortest (bottom right hand corner).
Anemone x hybrida 'Whirlwind' (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 75cm -
Lysimachia clethroides (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 90cm -
Digitalis purpurea albiflora (9cm)
Height x spread: 120cm x 45cm -
Astrantia major 'Shaggy' (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 50cm -
Aster lateriflorus 'Lady In Black' (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 85cm -
Campanula persicifolia alba (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 60cm -
Veronica longifolia 'Schneeriersin' (9cm)
Height x spread: 90cm x 60cm -
Achillea ptarmica 'Perry's White' (9cm)
Height x spread: 70cm x 60cm -
Centaurea montana 'Alba' (9cm)
Height x spread: 45cm x 60cm -
Bergenia cordifolia 'Snowtime' (9cm)
Height x spread: 45cm x 45cm -
Erigeron karvinskianus (9cm)
Height x spread: 15cm x 60cm -
Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins' (9cm)
Height x spread: 30cm x 30cm
Space required
1 of each (12 plants) requires a space of around 90cm wide x 120cm long. 2 of each (24 plants) requires a space of around 90cm wide x 240cm long. 3 of each (36 plants) requires a space of around 90cm wide x 360cm long (All measurements are approximate)
Soil Required
Well-drained soil. Sunny to sometimes shady through the day position.
Flowering Period
May to October