
For almost two centuries these beautiful plants have been known as tree peonies – a term that is technically incorrect. Despite producing woody, perennial stems, they are actually shrubs not trees.
14 min read

Hardy peonies produce some of the most glorious flowers amongst the large and varied world of perennials. The big, often blousy blooms come in a range of colours from white to yellow, pinks of all ...
12 min read

Of the different types of peonies Intersectional Peonies are not only the most beautiful, they are the longest to bloom. The flowers and foliage are in perfect proportion to each other, taking on t...
10 min read

Peonies make wonderful cut flowers. The blooms are large, soft, silky and romantic. They can be found in a range of soft colours, and a few brighter ones, making them ideal for weddings, as well as...
4 min read

Peonies are beautiful, long-lived and easy to grow once established. We sell three distinctive types of peonies, herbaceous, intersectional and the tree peony.
The difference between tree peonies ...
9 min read

Hybrid peonies produce some of the most stunning late spring flowers. Large, often single and cupped, the flowers come in a glorious array of colours ranging from bright poppy red to stunning lipst...
7 min read

Peonies are perfect for busy people. Once planted they require almost no attention. Long-lived and extremely beautiful when in flower even the foliage is handsome. However there might be a time whe...
5 min read